A chapter is an invisible mark in the video that helps you navigate through the film as you are watching it. Instead of fast-forwarding to a specific point you can jump at intervals, these intervals are chapter points that you can determine here.
Note: For ConvertXtoDVD, a maximum of 99 chapters points can be created. This is not a limitation set by the software but by DVD standard.
Here you can set/edit/delete the chapters on your video.
By default, if your file doesn't come with chapters, the program adds them every 5 mins for files over 15 minutes in duration (see the General Settings to change these values). A chapter point will always be created at start of file. You cannot delete this first one!!
If your original file does come with chapters then the software will import them. Do note that if you go into the General settings, if you change or not a setting and when you leave the General settings select "yes" for "Do you want to apply the new settings to the current project?" then the chapters as defined in the
Chapters are listed in the window and are indicated on the timeline with "balloon" hints to be clearly identified.
You can edit those chapters in 3 ways:
- Moving the balloon hints with your mouse along the timeline - Manually entering a new start time in the main window
By clicking on "Advanced", two new options appear:
- Load a file with Chapters already set on a text file with the .chpt extension. - Save the chapters added to the file.
Clicking on the "Delete all chapters" button simply removes all chapters from the file.
Menu Thumbnail feature lets you choose a thumbnail that will be shown in front of each chapters in the DVD menu, if the menu selected enables chapter selection. Be aware that some menu templates do not show the chapters selection and no thumbnail editing will be possible, in this case the option will be greyed out.
Click on the icon to customize the thumbnail, this window will open:
By default, the thumbnail is a video is taken from the conversion, right at the chapter beginning point. You can also select a video or picture of your own by selecting Use a custom file (video or still image): the browser will open and you will have to select the video or image from your files.
Below you will find further options you can edit:
- Starting time of the thumbnail, so you can indicate the exact timing of the beginning of the extract that will be played inside the thumbnail, meaning if you want the video to start from another point in the titleset, and not from the chapter beginning
- Opacity is the transparency filter that will be applied to the thumbnail image, if you want to see the video/image as it is, leave the default setting to a 100. If you'd rather have less opacity and have the image shown with more contrast, then you can edit the transparency value here: on a scale of 0 to 100, 0 being totally transparent (you won't see your image) and 100 being the brightest. The transparency is noticeable when using the Glossy templates.
- Duration of the video that will play in the thumbnail, is determined by the duration of the actual Chapter menu (see menu guide for more info). Of course if you have selected a still image, no need to indicate anything as only the image will be shown)
When you're done with your selection, click on the green OK icon to save your changes and close the window.